薪資範圍 :





  • 其他福利
  • 公司性質:




  • 其他語言選擇
  • 身分類型:










    月薪 30000~40000元

    接待病人,櫃檯掛號、登記初診姓名或調出複診記錄 簡單診所行政和臨時性之物品採購


    接待病人,櫃檯掛號、登記初診姓名或調出複診記錄 簡單診所行政和臨時性之物品採購



    應徵 11~30人 應徵
    樂澄牙醫診所(后里)(籌備中)-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元

    Our vision is to transform how the world uses information to enrich life for all. Micron Technology is a world leader in innovating memory and storage solutions that accelerate the transformation of information into intelligence, inspiring the world to learn, communicate and advance faster than ever. JR64096 TAIWAN CENTRAL PROBE SUPERVISOR [This job will work in 〝Tainan location〝 but training in Taichung] As a Production Probe Supervisor, you need to have the ability to analysis the production abnormal issues and solve them. You will co-work with the other departments to solve the problem. You need to have the thinking or ideas to find the solution to explain the production and improve it. Responsibilities and Tasks: Ability to manage multiple tasks concurrently and see them to conclusion based on a given timeline. Proven ability to accurately analyze and interpret data. Demonstrated excellence in teambuilding, mentoring and coaching. About Micron Technology, Inc. We are an industry leader in innovative memory and storage solutions transforming how the world uses information to enrich life for all. With a relentless focus on our customers, technology leadership, and manufacturing and operational excellence, Micron delivers a rich portfolio of high-performance DRAM, NAND, and NOR memory and storage products through our Micron® and Crucial® brands. Every day, the innovations that our people create fuel the data economy, enabling advances in artificial intelligence and 5G applications that unleash opportunities — from the data center to the intelligent edge and across the client and mobile user experience. To learn more, please visit micron.com/careers All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status. Micron Prohibits the use of child labor and complies with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other international and industry labor standards. Micron does not charge candidates any recruitment fees or unlawfully collect any other payment from candidates as consideration for their employment with Micron.


    Our vision is to transform how the world uses information to enrich life for all. Micron Technology is a world leader in innovating memory and storage solutions that accelerate the transformation of information into intelligence, inspiring the world to learn, communicate and advance faster than ever. JR64096 TAIWAN CENTRAL PROBE SUPERVISOR [This job will work in 〝Tainan location〝 but training in Taichung] As a Production Probe Supervisor, you need to have the ability to analysis the production abnormal issues and solve them. You will co-work with the other departments to solve the problem. You need to have the thinking or ideas to find the solution to explain the production and improve it. Responsibilities and Tasks: Ability to manage multiple tasks concurrently and see them to conclusion based on a given timeline. Proven ability to accurately analyze and interpret data. Demonstrated excellence in teambuilding, mentoring and coaching. About Micron Technology, Inc. We are an industry leader in innovative memory and storage solutions transforming how the world uses information to enrich life for all. With a relentless focus on our customers, technology leadership, and manufacturing and operational excellence, Micron delivers a rich portfolio of high-performance DRAM, NAND, and NOR memory and storage products through our Micron® and Crucial® brands. Every day, the innovations that our people create fuel the data economy, enabling advances in artificial intelligence and 5G applications that unleash opportunities — from the data center to the intelligent edge and across the client and mobile user experience. To learn more, please visit micron.com/careers All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status. Micron Prohibits the use of child labor and complies with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other international and industry labor standards. Micron does not charge candidates any recruitment fees or unlawfully collect any other payment from candidates as consideration for their employment with Micron.



    應徵 0~10人 應徵
    台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/






    時薪 200元

    1.認識、學習操作及維修牙醫器材設備 2.指導患者做好口腔衛生及保健 3.協助牙醫師看診 4.診所環境及器材維護、清潔 5.診所、醫生交辦事項


    1.認識、學習操作及維修牙醫器材設備 2.指導患者做好口腔衛生及保健 3.協助牙醫師看診 4.診所環境及器材維護、清潔 5.診所、醫生交辦事項



    應徵 0~10人 應徵
    樂澄牙醫診所(后里)(籌備中)-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    月薪 45000~50000元

    1.每日上班點貨、下班備貨 2.服裝儀容、衛生及食材保鮮 3.清潔、擺設、備品、用具和設施是否完善 5.切菜、備料、點餐、出餐、環境清潔、主管交代相關事項。 6.下班前清潔工作


    1.每日上班點貨、下班備貨 2.服裝儀容、衛生及食材保鮮 3.清潔、擺設、備品、用具和設施是否完善 5.切菜、備料、點餐、出餐、環境清潔、主管交代相關事項。 6.下班前清潔工作



    應徵 0~10人 應徵
    長利食品行-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 40000元

    Our vision is to transform how the world uses information to enrich life for all. Micron Technology is a world leader in innovating memory and storage solutions that accelerate the transformation of information into intelligence, inspiring the world to learn, communicate and advance faster than ever. JR63524 TCP Equipment Engineer The equipment engineer needs to deal with online problems, solve them immediately, and respond to superiors in real time. They work in (day/night) shifts to accelerate their understanding of the machines, deploy probe cards and establish the wafer measurement plant that can realize high quality and high-volume output. *Ensures Product Quality · Performs routine particle quals and 6S and TPM · Develop strong relationships with your counterparts in other Micron Fabs as well as the BAT team and/or the central teams. Strive to implement Best Known Methods into your operation. *Operates and Maintains Equipment · Completes and follows checklists completely and accurately where they are required · Performs Tool operation (i.e. can perform manual wafer movements, quals, leak rates tool set up) · Can use specific software screens to perform maintenance procedures · Performs scheduled PM’s on AREA tool sets following appropriate procedures (checklist) with limited direction · Performs minor trouble shooting on specific AREA toolsets (as defined by lead) which results in fixing it the issue *Environmental Health, Safety and Security · Follow all safety and environmental procedures to ensure compliance with applicable regulations (1)TCP在組織中的定位為何? TCP主要是整個晶圓出貨跟品質把關最重要的一段, TCP接收前段製程完畢的晶圓,並把良率測試出來,再反饋給前段製程做良率的改善.以避免不良品送到後段封測,造成不必要的成本浪費,而測試完成的晶圓會送至後段封測作packing test後出貨.所以TCP是介於整個半導體製程前段與後段最關鍵的角色 (2)TCP和ME有何不同 TCP :晶圓測試 、ME:晶圓製造,在ME做完晶圓製造後,產品準備到後段封測前都必需經由TCP來做最後的晶圓測試,所以TCP是介於整個半導體製程前段與後段最關鍵的角色 (3) -工作地點:台南 -初期training 及輪班作業會在台中后里廠區,待新廠建置完成後,隨機台裝機數量陸續轉換至台南工作 About Micron Technology, Inc. We are an industry leader in innovative memory and storage solutions transforming how the world uses information to enrich life for all. With a relentless focus on our customers, technology leadership, and manufacturing and operational excellence, Micron delivers a rich portfolio of high-performance DRAM, NAND, and NOR memory and storage products through our Micron® and Crucial® brands. Every day, the innovations that our people create fuel the data economy, enabling advances in artificial intelligence and 5G applications that unleash opportunities — from the data center to the intelligent edge and across the client and mobile user experience. To learn more, please visit micron.com/careers All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status. Micron Prohibits the use of child labor and complies with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other international and industry labor standards. Micron does not charge candidates any recruitment fees or unlawfully collect any other payment from candidates as consideration for their employment with Micron.


    Our vision is to transform how the world uses information to enrich life for all. Micron Technology is a world leader in innovating memory and storage solutions that accelerate the transformation of information into intelligence, inspiring the world to learn, communicate and advance faster than ever. JR63524 TCP Equipment Engineer The equipment engineer needs to deal with online problems, solve them immediately, and respond to superiors in real time. They work in (day/night) shifts to accelerate their understanding of the machines, deploy probe cards and establish the wafer measurement plant that can realize high quality and high-volume output. *Ensures Product Quality · Performs routine particle quals and 6S and TPM · Develop strong relationships with your counterparts in other Micron Fabs as well as the BAT team and/or the central teams. Strive to implement Best Known Methods into your operation. *Operates and Maintains Equipment · Completes and follows checklists completely and accurately where they are required · Performs Tool operation (i.e. can perform manual wafer movements, quals, leak rates tool set up) · Can use specific software screens to perform maintenance procedures · Performs scheduled PM’s on AREA tool sets following appropriate procedures (checklist) with limited direction · Performs minor trouble shooting on specific AREA toolsets (as defined by lead) which results in fixing it the issue *Environmental Health, Safety and Security · Follow all safety and environmental procedures to ensure compliance with applicable regulations (1)TCP在組織中的定位為何? TCP主要是整個晶圓出貨跟品質把關最重要的一段, TCP接收前段製程完畢的晶圓,並把良率測試出來,再反饋給前段製程做良率的改善.以避免不良品送到後段封測,造成不必要的成本浪費,而測試完成的晶圓會送至後段封測作packing test後出貨.所以TCP是介於整個半導體製程前段與後段最關鍵的角色 (2)TCP和ME有何不同 TCP :晶圓測試 、ME:晶圓製造,在ME做完晶圓製造後,產品準備到後段封測前都必需經由TCP來做最後的晶圓測試,所以TCP是介於整個半導體製程前段與後段最關鍵的角色 (3) -工作地點:台南 -初期training 及輪班作業會在台中后里廠區,待新廠建置完成後,隨機台裝機數量陸續轉換至台南工作 About Micron Technology, Inc. We are an industry leader in innovative memory and storage solutions transforming how the world uses information to enrich life for all. With a relentless focus on our customers, technology leadership, and manufacturing and operational excellence, Micron delivers a rich portfolio of high-performance DRAM, NAND, and NOR memory and storage products through our Micron® and Crucial® brands. Every day, the innovations that our people create fuel the data economy, enabling advances in artificial intelligence and 5G applications that unleash opportunities — from the data center to the intelligent edge and across the client and mobile user experience. To learn more, please visit micron.com/careers All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status. Micron Prohibits the use of child labor and complies with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other international and industry labor standards. Micron does not charge candidates any recruitment fees or unlawfully collect any other payment from candidates as consideration for their employment with Micron.



    應徵 0~10人 應徵
    台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    月薪 55000元

    1.電腦基本辦公作業 2.協助公司辦理證件,工地事務、勞工安全管理,規劃、督導現場施作人員實施巡視、定期檢查、重點檢查、危害通識及作業環境測定 3.其他主管交辦事項 ●享供餐或伙食津貼,以及住宿 *需有營造業丙種-甲種證照* **有證照者優先錄取** ***工作地點依接案地需輪調:竹科、中科、南科***


    1.電腦基本辦公作業 2.協助公司辦理證件,工地事務、勞工安全管理,規劃、督導現場施作人員實施巡視、定期檢查、重點檢查、危害通識及作業環境測定 3.其他主管交辦事項 ●享供餐或伙食津貼,以及住宿 *需有營造業丙種-甲種證照* **有證照者優先錄取** ***工作地點依接案地需輪調:竹科、中科、南科***



    應徵 0~10人 應徵
    威緁有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    時薪 183~190元

    1.親子館館內設施,使用操作與維護 2.向顧客介紹館內設施特性與消費方式,主動提供顧客諮商建議 3.館內設施器具維護與清潔、維持營業場所的整潔與美觀 4.向客戶示範操作方法,顯示設備的優點,以協助顧客選擇


    1.親子館館內設施,使用操作與維護 2.向顧客介紹館內設施特性與消費方式,主動提供顧客諮商建議 3.館內設施器具維護與清潔、維持營業場所的整潔與美觀 4.向客戶示範操作方法,顯示設備的優點,以協助顧客選擇



    應徵 0~10人 應徵
    追風企業股份有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/





    月薪 30000~40000元

    1.認識、學習操作及維修牙醫器材設備 2.指導患者做好口腔衛生及保健 3.協助牙醫師看診 4.診所環境及器材維護、清潔 5.診所、醫生交辦事項


    1.認識、學習操作及維修牙醫器材設備 2.指導患者做好口腔衛生及保健 3.協助牙醫師看診 4.診所環境及器材維護、清潔 5.診所、醫生交辦事項



    應徵 0~10人 應徵
    樂澄牙醫診所(后里)(籌備中)-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/




    月薪 27570元

    ★績效獎金另計★ 1.引導顧客協助加油、結帳等服務、。 2.工作場所內環境整理及設備之清潔工作。 3.商品之推銷及銷售。 4.其他臨時交辦工作。 ★★特休、加班費、不定時有獎勵金★★ 早班:06:30~14:30 ★★培訓考証照,另加津貼★★


    ★績效獎金另計★ 1.引導顧客協助加油、結帳等服務、。 2.工作場所內環境整理及設備之清潔工作。 3.商品之推銷及銷售。 4.其他臨時交辦工作。 ★★特休、加班費、不定時有獎勵金★★ 早班:06:30~14:30 ★★培訓考証照,另加津貼★★



    應徵 0~10人 應徵
    吉宏興業有限公司-使用1111中台灣專區 https://www.1111tc.com.tw/